Journal # 10
The ethics of collecting and preserving cultural property
For this journal, since we had to read 3 different pieces, I decided to put down all the important notes I learned after reading each article. So here is the summary of what I found out when I did (my homework) this week:
· UNESCO made several decrees about race, starting in 1950 after WWll
· Back then, the idea behind race held a genetic ideology and the mean of UNESCO was to change the general believe
· The result was the book of race concept, later it produced a Proposal on the Biological Aspect of Race
· One of the chief achievements of UNESCO was the General Conference of the Convention Against discrimination in Education
· Over time, the definition for human being changed and it became a race-less definition, we are all humans regardless of what race we belong to.
· One just has to look at the close to 10 million dollars spent on the protection and revivification of culturally significant sites in Afghanistan rather than the spending that money on infrastructure projects that will go much further to enrich the lives of the Afghanis
· The world and Afghanistan is better off now that they are not under the finger of Taliban just as any country is better off who are allowed to freely choose among a variety officials
· UNESCO’s early activities in the field of culture included, for example, the Nubia Campaign, launched in 1960
· UNESCO implements its activities through the five programme areas of Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, and Communication and Information.
· CAME) began meetings in London which continued between 16 November 1942 to 5 December 1945. On 30 October 1943, the necessity for an international organization was expressed in the Moscow Declaration, agreed upon by China, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the USSR
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